Holoworld Fleet (HWF) is a roleplaying game based around the Startrek TNG universe. HWF is a literature-based style RPG of collective storytelling where the players write collaboratively about the lives and adventures of characters serving in Starfleet.
SB OMEGA: Can I Kick the Hard-drive Yet?
Scene: SB Omega, Fleet XO Office
SD: 22.1231.1229
Misha Piper wanted to bang her head on desk, but instead opted for rubbing her eyes and pinching her nose. This new operating system was the cause for her current headache, and it didn’t seem to be getting any better, any time soon.
The Fleet Executive Officer was almost at her wits end.
*I have all the correct parameters set up to sort the processes that I need to monitor, but nothing is being sent to my inbox* she thought. *This is so frustrating... I don’t have time to go search each one out, I need them to come to me.*
Another pinch to the bridge of her nose. This was going to be a long day. A long day to finish out an even longer year. Just great.
With Wings of Light
Admiral Misha Piper
Fleet XO
USS COCHRANE: Pure Thought!
***Scene: SB OMEGA Fleet Admiral Tergin's Office***
Josh had gotten to Tergin's ante room, an looked around there was only one other officer waiting. He was still pondering in his mind what the Fleet CO wanted him back on base for, but kept coming up short on any viable reason.
"Cmdr Ryan, the Admiral is ready to see you now." the yeoman said gesturing Josh to the door.
Joshua stood upright and lifted his duffle bag, he straightened his uniform up and stopped, *Had they found Kieren?* the engineer stopped dead in his tracks and looked up to the ante room's ceiling. His older brother had been missing for nearly six years now on the USS TRESSPASS.
"Cmdr the Admiral is ready!" the yeoman called out again, this time with a little more agitation in the voice.
Josh snapped back and again headed to the door.
"Enter" he heard from the other side of the plated wall.
"Leftenant Commander Ryan reporting as requested , sir" the
over to you Geoffrey for the formalities..:-)
***An hour later***
***Scene: SB OMEGA, transporter room 6***
Ryan handed the padd to the Andorian chief petty officer who in turn looked down and then handed it back to the engineer. Joshua walked slowly to the platform and turned to the chief, he nodded.
"Energizing" he heard as the annular confinement beam started to form around him..
***Scene: Tranporter room 2***
As the beam started to diffuse Josh was already starting to step off the transporter pad.
"Welcome to the USS COC......" the petty officer didn't get very far in her welcome when Josh had held up his hand and walked straight out of the doors...
He couldn't believe it. He'd never thought he see the ship that had been his first senior posting since joining the Cocoon Fleet, except that it had been in the Gaia yards while he'd been at the Propulsion Labs. He'd always wondered why, and thought *So this is why they wanted the damn MFR's new settings and ..* he stopped dead in his tracks..
[Commander Ryan] came over the comm.
"Ryan here!" he said after tapping his comm badge,
[Commander, you are to report to main engineering as soon as possible]
"On my way, Ryan out!" he said turning right and heading along the corridor towards turbolift 6
"Main engineering" he said feeling the inertial dampeners kick in as the lift dropped to deck 12.
he stepped out from the lift and turned right to be faced by both of the massive heavy duty duranium doors.
"JOSH!" he heard bellowing out as the doors closed fast and hard behind him.
He looked around and saw a young Bajoran female in the updated bio-mechanical engineering coveralls that had been introduced while he'd been at Gaia. "Kara" he fired back, dropping the duffle bag and ran to her, he flung his arms around her.
She pulled back slightly and looked into his eye's "Welcome home Josh!"
Lt(jg) Harl Kara had been Joshua's warp specialist during his first tour onboard the Pioneer class, USS COCHRANE. The pair had started out on a work basis, but their mutual love for the warp thoeries, and the problems that those theories could throw at them turned into a more than friendly relationship. But just as it was beginning to take off Kara was reposted to the USS ARTEMIS.
"Kara, is there any word on who has got the command yet?" one engineer said to another.
"There is, " she hesitated, "It's Captain Pol Cannon"
"Cannon?" Ryan replied, gesturing for his companion to tell him more.
"Look, Joshua we need to start and overlay the new matrices onto the core command modules." she diverted the question as she new he wouldn't pass up some work.
"Show m..." he was halted in mid-sentence by the fact that she'd handed him the schematics to his TOP SECRET PROJECT!
"Your project was simultaneaously being fitted to the COCHRANE while we were in Gaia."
"I'm your Assistant Chief Engineer, we need to get this mapped onto the modules before we can even start any more core loads." she fired back.
Josh stepped back from her, looking down at the padd and then back at her.......
Here we go, the beginning..............
Character Awards
Zefram Cochrane Medal Of Engineering - USS COCHRANE
Sean McDonagh - Player Awards
Viper Award
Meritorious Service Citation
Terraformer Award
New Starts
SD: 22.1228
Scene: SB OMEGA - Fleet Admiral's Office
Gus Grissom was sittign quietly awaiting his turn to see the Admiral. He was hopping that at long last he would be given a ship assignment.
The admiral filled Gus in on his assignement. Gus was elated he was foing to be on the fmaous Cohcrane as Chief of Security !
The admiral wished him well and directed Gus to report to the ship's CO
Chief of Security
USS Cochrane
SB OMEGA: Cochrane the Phoenix
Scene: SB OMEGA - Fleet Adirmal's Office
The El-Aurian Fleet Admiral read over the latest report from his head of the Cocoon Fleet Engineering Corps, Cmdr. Bel Shaane. The refit of the USS COCHRANE was on schedule, and the Fleet Admiral intended to launch the PIONEER-II class Starship with a seasoned crew, veterans of the Cocoon. The fleet had nearly lost the COCHRANE to the battle of Paran-Zee early in the Telmarc conflict. It was nearly a two years later that the ship had been able to be refit, and the Fleet Admiral Tergin intended to launch it as the new Flagship of the Cocoon Fleet.
The Cocoon was changing, the Fleet Admiral had finally come to accept that when he uncovered Starfleet Intelligence's operations, and the extent to which they were holding the Telmarc forces at bay. Much of what was done would not have even been sanctioned by Starfleet Command proper. It was all he could do to keep his position and those of his senior staff when he objected. However it seemed, Starfleet Command had no one else to send.
With the realization that Starfleet and the Federation member planets would no longer hold the dominate position in the Cocoon, the Listener had begun making plans months ago, to re-configure his fleet, his assets and their priorities to something that was more manageable, and defendable... and this was the beginning, rebuilding the home fleet.
[Sir, your first appointment is here], his assistant's voice came over the office comm.
"Very well, just a moment."
He also had the more un-pleasant task of recalling for refit the USS HORIZON, flag ship of the Cocoon for nearly a decade. He knew the ship's mystic commander would let him know her displeasure. He opened his viewer and began recording the message.
So, the mystery of which ship is solved. I'll be assigning folks shortly.
Fleet Admiral Tergin,
Commanding Officer
Cocoon Fleet/HWF
SB OMEGA: A Question only an Admiral can answer!
**Scene: Shuttle Tilan**
Watching the screen he punched the reverse thruster control harder than the earlier ones he'd used to try and bring the shuttle alongside the docking port at section 12 on OMEGA.
[Shuttle Tilan,] came over the intercom [this is Starbase Omega, you are granted docking access at section 12 port 6.]
"Acknowledged, Omega. Tilan out." the LtCmdr replied before tapping the next needed thruster control without even looking down at the lit up panel.
This was a strange thing, being called back to Starbase Omega. He had not even started the invasive testing procedures in the project he had been placed in charge of at the Propulsion Labs. But it was at the request of Amiral Tergin that the young engineering officer was lining up the docking collars on both the shuttle and port 6. Josh had been wondering for the complete journey why the Admiral would pull him off project, when it was the Admiral who wanted the new propulsion systems updated and running within 4 years.....
-=CLUNK=- as the shuttle grinded against the duranium plating on the station.
[Docking complete, you are free to board] the female voice came over the comms again.
"Acknowledged, Tilan out" Ryan said as he started to power down all of the internal drive systems leaving only the base generators running to supply the power as the shuttle stayed in dock, however long that would be.
Ryan picked himself up out from the chair and headed towards the locker nearest the replicator. Opening the door, he picked up the maroon coloured duffle bag, which he'd had since he'd left StarFleet Academy his mind started to go back.........
**SD 11.0515.1410**
**Scene: SB OMEGA, PO's Office **
The Ens. stood up and put out his hand to return the Commodore's handshake, and said "Thank you, Sir."
** Scene: Transporter Room Three **
Walking through the doors, Ryan dropped his backpack which contained his personal belongings, to the floor and passed his PADD to the transporter chief.
"Ensign Ryan, Sir. The Durham have been waiting for you." the chief passed the PADD back to the Ens.
"Thanks, chief." Ryan turned around and headed towards the transporter pad, he stepped up onto the mount.
"Ready, Sir?"asked the chief.
"Yes, fire away." he felt the ACB form around himself then that funny tingling feeling he always would associate with transporter beams.
** Scene: USS DURHAM/ Main Transporter **
When his matter reconfigured it's self, he stepped off the pad, and walked toward the door.
[Ensign Ryan, please report to the Captain's ready room ASAP.] he heard over the comm badge.
Looking at the schematics on the wall in the corridor, Ryan followed the path that the computer had high lighted for him. Heading to the turbolift he thought*The Commodore had said that the CO was new on the ship, also the
FO and the FCO. This meant that no-one had worked together, and everyone was new to this ship, this would be a challenge.*
As Joshua walked out onto the magnificent bridge he thought to himself again *I'll have to learn my way around this type of ship, even if engineering IS like a second home to me.*
"ENSIGN RYAN, you were told to report straight to the ready room, not take a leisurely walk!" bellowed out a voice from his right. The voice had some kind of Russian accent to it. He looked over his shoulder and noted a large
built male officer standing there, pointing to the ready room doors. As Ryan walked past him he heard
"Pisarev to Captain Jalor, Ensign Ryan has now arrived, Sir."
-=TWEEDLE BEEP=- as Ryan pressed the door control.
"Enter." called the captain.
"Ensign Joshua Ryan, Sir. Reporting for duty as new Chief Engineering Officer Sir." he said as he handed over the PADD with his orders and Bios on file on.
Jalor looked back up from the PADD-------
Bringing his mind back to the present he shook his head and pressed the access panel control and stepped onto OMEGA for about the, what felt felt like 100th time, he flung his duffle bag over his shoulder and headed towards the main admin level, to get the answer to the bugging question.
Character Awards
Zefram Cochrane Medal Of Engineering - USS COCHRANE
Sean McDonagh - Player Awards
Viper Award
Meritorious Service Citation
Terraformer Award
Pol Canon sat quietly as the shuttle pilot reported nearing the entrance to the Cocoon. It had been two years since Pol had been here. He had retired from Starfleet after a long career serving in various position, including Chief Medical Officer, Counselor, First Officer, and Commanding Officer on different units in the Cocoon Fleet. Now he had received orders to report to Star Base Omega for re-commissioning in the Fleet... and that was all the communique said.
Pol's companion for the shuttle ride, Federaton Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson, had been anything but sitting quitely for the trip. The man was a certified pompus windbag. Pol had been on Betazed when he received the call back, and Grayson -- visiting Betazed at the time -- had received a similar request, so they traveled together. Pol had known Grayson on DS 101. The Ambassador was a capable communicator and negotiator -- and had no qualms about letting everyone around him know it.
"We are now within the Cocoon," the pilot noted. "Setting a course for Star Base Omega."
I'm baaaaack.
Captain Pol Canon
Ambassador Arthur Ambrose Grayson
SBOMEGA: To Go Boldly
==SD: 22.1223.2155 GMT-0600
==Scene: SB OMEGA
==Begin RPG==
Arn sat in silence in the FLEET CO's waiting room. It seems as though it were yesterday when he was on board the HERMES. But two weeks ago, he was recalled to Star Base Omega without any notion of what his new assignment would be.
The shuttle ride was long and drab. Dr. Hemux was a people person and always enjoyed the company of others, even if they never said a word. The Bolian could talk enough for two.
After some hours, the poor Ensign piloting the shuttle to OMEGA had grown tired of Hemux' constant ramblings. Arn was aware of this and eventually came to a point where he disengaged the poor chap before the young man would need counseling.
Arn tried to sit silently in his seat, but he found himself drifting in and out of sleep. At one point, he may have drifted off enough to day dream about another time, several years ago, when he was in a shuttle...
Scene: shuttle bay 3, DS101
Time: flashback to five years ago
Dr. Hemux, CNS of the Yeager, crawled out of Danube class shuttle,
one of station's, stood and admired the amazing architecture of DS101.
*If this is the shuttle bay, I am rather elated to view the rest of
this magnificent structure,* Arn considered.
He greatly enjoyed the short trip from the Yeager and the shipyards
to Deep Space 101, home to many humanoids from across the galaxy. He
spent the few minutes on board writing a short letter to send home to
his beloved wife and kids. He told them about his wonderful new post
on the Yeager, the admirable crew, and his experiences so far.
*Hopefully, they will join me soon,* he wished.
The Bolian counselor went about admiring the intricate details of the
alien station and pondered on its origins, Eastern Bolian philosophy,
some quantum mechanics problem that had tormented him for hours, the
reasoning behind Klingon opera, and the meaning of life – all
perfectly normal for Hemux.
The doctor followed a couple of junior officers that acted as though
they knew where they were going and entered the turbolift. For the
past couple of hours, DS101 had assisted in transporting, by various
means, Starfleet personnel to and from the already busy station. Arn
overheard the young officers talk about the upcoming tournament and
how they were headed straight for Club 101 to sign up for the events.
*Sounds like a place I shall have to attend,* Arn contemplated.
As the lift doors opened, Hemux entered the vast spaces of the Mall.
People crowded the space between the stores and eating facilities,
all in preparation or anticipation of the emanate celebration of
peace between the Dergrad and Vurtedion and 7th year of Starfleet's
presence on DS101. Hemux read the other parts of the announcement
displayed in every other store and restaurant. He walked past a sign
that read "Security Central" and the extremely busy Club 101. Hemux's
first impulse was to head straight there to sign up for a competition
or two, but something caught his eyes. He noticed Commander Rudolf
Fischer, whom Hemux had not seen since the Yeager's arrival at the
station's shipyards several hours earlier, talking to a Vulcan woman.
=End Flashback=
Dr. Hemux ran his fingers through the tassels on his carry on bag and tried not to appear too bored. However, after nearly 45 minutes, he was becoming quite restless.
He fidgeted in the chair, rocking his large derriere from side to side. For the longest time, only he and the Fleet CO's secretary were in the large waiting room. The man appeared too busy to listen to Arn and was too far away to speak to anyway, removed from yelling across the way.
Finally, a little excitement entered the room when another officer, one that Arn did not recognize, came slowly and carefully moving in with a bag in hand.
==End RPG==
Player Awards: Viper Badge; Starfleet Medal of Promise; Blue Ribbon; Gold Ribbon, Starfleet Leadership Medal
-Lt. Arn Hemux
SB OMEGA: Finally Back to the Basics
Commander Daniel Stuart dropped his bag on the floor of his temporary quarters aboard Starbase Omega. He had no idea as to his next posting, only that he would finally get to do his first love. Chief Medical Officer on a starship.
It was with the hope of being a CMO that he had originally transfered into Cocoon Fleet several years ago. But as luck would have it, there were no openings for a medical officer at that time. He had been assigned as Chief Operations Officer aboard the newly launched USS NIGHTINGALE.
*at least it had been a medical ship* Stuart thought.
Surprising himself he had loved the work and progressed to First Officer of the NIGHTINGALE under Captain Pol Canon. Stuart had just finished a tour of duty as commanding officer of the USS YORKTOWN. He had requested of Fleet Command a transfer to a CMO position. He had began to feel 'burned-out' as a CO and needed a new challange. Hopefully, Fleet Command would agree.
Don Ratliff
Commander Daniel Stuart, M.D.
For NRPGs that relate to the author's posts:
A) continue to place NRPGs in the body of the post. (as in the 2nd test post)
B) use the comment function (as in the 1st test post)
C) use the yahoogroup
D) create unit nrpg labels and post as a new message under a new label (like this)
For NRPG that are their own subject/topic/thread
A) Use the comment function on the blog and attach it the RPG last post for that unit
B) use the yahoogroup
C) create unit nrpg labels and post as a new message under a new label
USS HORIZON: Upgrade Test
Scene: USS HORIZON - Ready Room
The Commander of the HORIZON sighed as she put the padd down, the fleet operating sytem upgrade was disrupting most routine services. Non negotiable orders came from StarFleet Engineering, but it did not bode well for the small task-force of starships left patrolling the border...
Format Test
Sing into the Deep,
Captain Nova'Song
Scene: Starbase OMEGA
The Fleet Admiral sat down to test his new operating system, his engineers insisted it was mandatory, he'd grown so used to the one he'd used for the last decade...
Fleet Admiral Tergin
Fleet CO
HWF/Cocoon Fleet