USS COCHRANE: Pure Thought!

***SD 22.1230 1530***
***Scene: SB OMEGA Fleet Admiral Tergin's Office***

Josh had gotten to Tergin's ante room, an looked around there was only one other officer waiting. He was still pondering in his mind what the Fleet CO wanted him back on base for, but kept coming up short on any viable reason.

"Cmdr Ryan, the Admiral is ready to see you now." the yeoman said gesturing Josh to the door.

Joshua stood upright and lifted his duffle bag, he straightened his uniform up and stopped, *Had they found Kieren?* the engineer stopped dead in his tracks and looked up to the ante room's ceiling. His older brother had been missing for nearly six years now on the USS TRESSPASS.

"Cmdr the Admiral is ready!" the yeoman called out again, this time with a little more agitation in the voice.

Josh snapped back and again headed to the door.


"Enter" he heard from the other side of the plated wall.


"Leftenant Commander Ryan reporting as requested , sir" the


over to you Geoffrey for the formalities..:-)


***An hour later***
***Scene: SB OMEGA, transporter room 6***

Ryan handed the padd to the Andorian chief petty officer who in turn looked down and then handed it back to the engineer. Joshua walked slowly to the platform and turned to the chief, he nodded.

"Energizing" he heard as the annular confinement beam started to form around him..

***Scene: Tranporter room 2***

As the beam started to diffuse Josh was already starting to step off the transporter pad.

"Welcome to the USS COC......" the petty officer didn't get very far in her welcome when Josh had held up his hand and walked straight out of the doors...

He couldn't believe it. He'd never thought he see the ship that had been his first senior posting since joining the Cocoon Fleet, except that it had been in the Gaia yards while he'd been at the Propulsion Labs. He'd always wondered why, and thought *So this is why they wanted the damn MFR's new settings and ..* he stopped dead in his tracks..

[Commander Ryan] came over the comm.


"Ryan here!" he said after tapping his comm badge,

[Commander, you are to report to main engineering as soon as possible]

"On my way, Ryan out!" he said turning right and heading along the corridor towards turbolift 6


"Main engineering" he said feeling the inertial dampeners kick in as the lift dropped to deck 12.


he stepped out from the lift and turned right to be faced by both of the massive heavy duty duranium doors.


"JOSH!" he heard bellowing out as the doors closed fast and hard behind him.

He looked around and saw a young Bajoran female in the updated bio-mechanical engineering coveralls that had been introduced while he'd been at Gaia. "Kara" he fired back, dropping the duffle bag and ran to her, he flung his arms around her.

She pulled back slightly and looked into his eye's "Welcome home Josh!"

Lt(jg) Harl Kara had been Joshua's warp specialist during his first tour onboard the Pioneer class, USS COCHRANE. The pair had started out on a work basis, but their mutual love for the warp thoeries, and the problems that those theories could throw at them turned into a more than friendly relationship. But just as it was beginning to take off Kara was reposted to the USS ARTEMIS.

"Kara, is there any word on who has got the command yet?" one engineer said to another.

"There is, " she hesitated, "It's Captain Pol Cannon"

"Cannon?" Ryan replied, gesturing for his companion to tell him more.

"Look, Joshua we need to start and overlay the new matrices onto the core command modules." she diverted the question as she new he wouldn't pass up some work.

"Show m..." he was halted in mid-sentence by the fact that she'd handed him the schematics to his TOP SECRET PROJECT!


"Your project was simultaneaously being fitted to the COCHRANE while we were in Gaia."


"I'm your Assistant Chief Engineer, we need to get this mapped onto the modules before we can even start any more core loads." she fired back.

Josh stepped back from her, looking down at the padd and then back at her.......


Here we go, the beginning..............
Character Awards

Zefram Cochrane Medal Of Engineering - USS COCHRANE

Sean McDonagh - Player Awards

Viper Award
Meritorious Service Citation
Terraformer Award


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