SD 23.0101.2153
Scene: Fleet Admiral Tergin's Office
Time: following my "To Go Boldly" and with Sean's "Pure Thought!"


Dr. Arn Hemux observed carefully the slim officer in a gold uniform who sat near him in the waiting room. The man placed his bag on the ground then looked up at the smiling Bolian.

"Commander," acknowledged Arn, being sure to look in the eyes of the younger man. The Lt. Commander didn't know it, but Arn had already taken in a lot of information about his new acquaintance from his body language, the way he adjusted his uniform, his choice of hair style, the movement of his eyes...

Arn had started his career in psychiatry long before his Starfleet career and had been a careful observer of species long before that. His senses about people proved valuable in his line of work and was a solid trait he could always count on.

Josh Ryan, unsure of the unusually friendly Bolian sitting across from him, gave a quick acknowledgment in return. "Lt." he replied simply.

"Most call me Dr. Hemux, psychiatry and diplomatic relations. Friends call me Arn. A pleasure to meet you Sir."

"Likewise," Ryan responded.

Hemux could sense that the commander had no intention of striking up a conversation, so the sociable Bolian felt he would take the initiative. "Commander, if you do not mind me asking, do you know why you are here? I am sorry, that did not come out like I meant. I have been called to meet with the Admiral for reassignment, and I was simply wondering if you too are here for that purpose."

Ryan relaxed. He even managed a smile. He could tell this Bolian was a friendly sort and was looking for conversation to pass the time.

"Not sure, Doctor, but my friends here at OMEGA say the USS COCHRANE has been refitted and Tergin is filling the command positions soon. Sounds too coincidental..."

"I see," Hemux casually interrupted. "Perhaps the Admiral is filling out that roster even as we speak.

Hemux was interrupted by a yeoman coming out of the Admiral's ante room.


"Cmdr Ryan, the Admiral is ready to see you now." the yeoman said gesturing Josh to the door.


Hemux smiled and nodded, realizing he had to allow his willing ear to carry on his way. "It has been a pleasure, Commander. Good luck to you."


Happy New Year!

Sean, I don't know your character yet so I didn't put too much into your side.

Doug as Lt. Arn Hemux,

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