SD: 23.0202.2000
SCENE: Deck 10, Forward Lounge
TIME: just before "Element of Surprise"

=Begin RPG=

Brighton Bishop motioned once again for the waiter to bring him another glass of synthehol.

He spun his empty glass on the shiny table top where the civilian diplomatic adviser had sat alone for nearly two hours. This early middle aged, attractive, and usually cordial man remained alone by choice. He had several members of the COCHRANE crew come by and ask to join him, but Brighton was not in the mood.

Much to the once successful xenophobe relations specialist's dismay, the diplomatic corp of which he'd been a good standing member had disassociated themselves with Brighton after the "Tung Incident" the year before.

With his reputation shattered, Brighton found it nearly impossible to get assignments in the private sector, even in remote portions of the Federation. He was forced to rely on Starfleet for an assignment. Starfleet answered, but joining the USS COCHRANE in the Cocoon was far from the dream job he'd left behind.

Bishop also found another discomfort aboard the COCHRANE, that of the failure of synthehol to allow him to forget where he was and what he was doing. Still, few people on the ship had any idea of who he was or what had happened on Tung. At least he was getting a chance to start over. Comfort resided in that notion.

The waiter approached with another full glass. Brighton admitted that the drink was not as bad as some had made it out to be. The waiter attempted to strike up some conversation.

"I hear around the room that the ship is only a few hours away from pulling out of dock."

"Fantastic," Brighton said sarcastically and with even less enthusiasm.

"I take it you don't want to be here," said the waiter.

"Yea, you could say that. But then again, it's not like I am being forced to be here, if that's what you mean." Brighton took a swallow of the fresh beverage. "Nah, I suppose I'm just reaping what I sowed."

==End RPG==


Come on, friends. Don't let me down. There's about ten of you that signed up for this and no one has joined me in two weeks?!? I can't pull the ship out to sea by me once, savvy?


Player Awards: Viper Badge; Starfleet Medal of Promise; Blue Ribbon; Gold Ribbon, Starfleet Leadership Medal

-Brighton Bishop
Civilian Diplomat

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